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Pat Stevens
Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 1, 2021
Last seen: Nov 9, 2022
Topics: 5 / Replies: 5
RE: How to do an "average" by Financial Year if index is by Month

That's the Aggregate function. You need a Month_to_fiscal year array (indexed by Month, with the fiscal Year for that month in each cell). Then you u...

3 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2292
Replies: 1
Views: 3052
RE: How to map Year and Day_of_year to actual date

Local isLeap := Mod(Year,4)=0 and Mod(Year,100)<>0 or Mod(Year,400)=1; Local offset := if Day_of_year='29-Feb' and not isLeap then null e...

4 years ago
RE: 2-D ragged array to 1-D array with null separators?

I came up with a different solution. I think it isn't as elegant as yours, but it does fix the bug I mentioned in my previous post with a Null after "...

4 years ago
RE: 2-D ragged array to 1-D array with null separators?

Jessie - this is a timely example for me, since I actually just starting to learn about array functions! I studied your solution and get it. Seems pr...

4 years ago
RE: Where did the node icons on toolbar go?

How do I mark this topic as "solved"?

4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 2787

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