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Author: James Milford

James Milford

James Milford

Max Henrion, Founder and CEO of Lumina Decision Systems, makers of Analytica, has 25 years of experience as a researcher, educator, software designer, consultant, and entrepreneur, specializing in the design and effective use of decision technologies.

Author Posts

03/11/2024 | Blogs, Energy & power, Lumina consulting projects

Heat pumps & hybrid systems in cold climates

Recent advancements in cold-climate heat pump technology have proven their effectiveness in heating homes even in areas with harsh winters. However, there’s been less research…


08/16/2023 | Blogs, Energy & power, Sample Category

Does your heat pump bill savings estimate account for rate structures?

Most online calculators that estimate utility bill impacts of heat pumps are highly misleading because they ignore time-of-use and tiered electric and gas rates. Accurate…
