How can decision analysis help climate change?
Lumina CEO Max Henrion moderates a panel of decision experts in this Society of Decision Professionals (SDP) webinar on a controversial and critical topic.
Lumina CEO Max Henrion moderates a panel of decision experts in this Society of Decision Professionals (SDP) webinar on a controversial and critical topic.
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To smart or not to smart, that is the question! Except, despite what our TV offerings often display, going smart is always the best choice. Like any human-made system, we should…
Whether you find global warming as an ethereal notion only worthy of banter or, like many scientists, a real phenomenon to be studied, the effects pose difficulty for…
Flip the switch and the light goes on. How simple it is to take this for granted. Large-scale engineered and networked systems manage our daily electrical needs, and many…
What’s in a barrel of crude oil? For starters, its price affects global economies. The Asian Financial Crisis that started in 1997 had international investors put a lid on funding…
The recent global recession that spread since 2008 hit us hard, and commercial air travel received no dispensation. Although jet fuel prices dropped in 2009, the dwindling air…
Machine failure, patient injury, terrorist attacks, and oil spills are just a few events we endure and have to prepare for in life. It is hard to manage things that are not …