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Dale Rice
Joined: Jul 1, 2021
Last seen: Jun 12, 2024
Topics: 4 / Replies: 22
RE: Analytica for Windows on Arm (and Mac)?

I second what Mitzu said, but would also add that I have never heard of anyone running Analytica on an Arm processor. Not that anyone would tell me if...

10 months ago
RE: Nested Dynamic loops

The error 41302 means that you're operating over the dynamic index inside the dynamic loop, which is not allowed. It is worth understanding the concep...

2 years ago
RE: Analytica-provided statistics don't match extracted datapoint statistics

The first column in your original screenshot contains the correct median and mean for the distribution defined in your second screenshot, i.e. the one...

2 years ago
RE: Link to external files in ACP3

You can't use Spreadsheet functions on our ACP server because we don't install Excel on that server for security reasons. We recommend you have people...

2 years ago
RE: Link to external files in ACP3

When you evaluate the Read functions (like ReadTextFile function, ReadBinaryFile function, etc.) in desktop Analytica, the basic behavior if you don't...

2 years ago
RE: Using animation to visualize influence diagrams

Looks like the anti-spam filter removed the link. But the likely answer is no, there are no animation of an influence diagram in Analytica.

2 years ago
RE: canvas Y-coordinate of labels

You would be finding the y-coordinate from inside an OnGraphDraw or OnGraphClick attribute, of course. For your example graph image, Local (x,y) :=...

2 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1580
RE: Copying and pasting icons

Those instructions for copying work for images in nodes (i.e., that were pasted into the node from an external source, or from another image in the mo...

3 years ago
RE: Table manipulation

To represent the subset of data, you'll need a new index, one that contains only the columns of interest. Let's say your original table (array) is nam...

3 years ago
RE: How to calculate cumulative cash flow from a Cash Flow table indexed by year

Sorry about the delay with posting the model that I had promised. I hit a technical problem. Anyway, here it is: Cash flow.ana It includes a var...

3 years ago
RE: How to calculate cumulative cash flow from a Cash Flow table indexed by year

You are looking for the Cumulate function, which takes your cash flow by Year and returns the cumulated cash flow by Year. The syntax is: Cumulate(...

3 years ago
RE: Bar chart with two bar colors - positives green, negatives red

How about one further embellishment -- negative values left aligned: The Cell format expression for this is CellFormats( CellBar(self,'green'...

3 years ago
RE: Module node hidden on Cloud Platform but visible when editing?

I see a removed link. I think it should be: AcpStyles attribute Node level settings.

3 years ago
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    Free Analytica has no time limit. The only constraint is it won’t let you create more than 100 variables or other objects. But your model can be quite substantial since each variable can be a multidimensional array. It also lets you explore, change inputs, and run existing models of any size (excluding features unique to the Enterprise or Optimizer editions).