Last seen: Nov 18, 2024
I should have also pointed out that you can upload it from the ACP User Portal after you've logged in, so a glitch with Publish To Cloud... should nev...
I just tried the same, and my model updated as expected. So I think more details will be required to figure out what is different in your situation. ...
I think they work on ACP and they should have been there as an option in the ACP Styles Library. I think the reason they aren't there was that the per...
Here is another option, to get bars in table cells (rather than in the graph). Starting with the original variable Score in Pat's model, view the resu...
Here's a screenshot after following your instructions (without step 6).
Here is an example that does what you want: The edit table look like this: The gray cells are read-only, so you can only change the white cell...
As of Analytica 6.0, we don't have an option to add a secondary Y-axis. We do have this enhancement request already logged.
These are a bit more elaborate than a simple example model, but are probably of interest since they are applied examples. They are Markov models of th...
Local d := ParseDate(Day_of_year&"-"&Year); d := if Day_of_year='29-Feb' and DatePart(d,'D')<>29 then null else d; Time[Time=d,defVal:...
@patstevens - This looks efficient, but yes, it takes more effort to decode than a purely functional expression. One thing I would say is to not be to...
@jessiesandoval - Your original definition (with the bug Pat found) is equivalent to: Flatten(Attendees, Group, Event, ResultIndex:Event_num, condit...