Lumina set out to build a useful tool to assess the benefits of heat pumps. Learn more about heat pumps and their impact.
Continue readingControversy to consensus: offshore oil platforms
Offshore oil in California is highly controversial. But, Lumina’s decision model on decommissioning oil platforms led to consensus for “rigs to reefs”.
Continue readingNavigating the heat pump landscape
Fort Collins, Lumina, and Apex Analytics have created a tool to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing building electrification programs.
Continue readingAnalysis for finance & decision professionals
Watch Dan Zoppo’s webinar on the powerful Least Squares Monte Carlo method for real options problems that can add value to a businesses.
Continue readingHow to use Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP)
How to use Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP) to its full potential with our CEO Max Henrion.
Continue readingEV charging: win-win for utilities & ratepayers?
Will rapid adoption of electric vehicles stress the electric grid? Learn about a utility model that could reduce rates and increase utility earnings.
Continue readingCould humans lose control over advanced AI?
Researchers used Analytica’s influence diagrams to map out arguments and scenarios exploring risks with artificial intelligence (AI).
Continue readingDecision making when there is little historic precedent
Learn how to make decisions and strategic plans in uncertain situations, where historical data is not available. See how to model this in Analytica with clarity and insight.
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