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Academic research

Analytica is used for teaching and research in many leading universities across the world. Professors find it an ideal tool for students to learn the science and art of building effective decision models with. Its visual influence diagrams encourage students to conceptualize complex problems in the same way an expert modeler would, without getting bogged down in the detail of cell formulas. Its Intelligent Arrays help new modelers start out with a simple model and then add detail as needed.

We offer Analytica at about half-price for funded research for students and faculty

Integrated assessment of climate change

The Integrated Climate Assessment Model (ICAM) has generated a wide range of valuable insights into how to adapt to global climate change.

Making jet fuel from the sun & wind

Learn more on how Evan Sherwin employed an optimization-based techno-economic analysis, implemented in Analytica, to assess the prospects for large cost reductions.

Quantifying methane emissions

Aerial surveys found that a small number of high-impact super-emitting events are responsible for most methane emissions, which were significantly higher than previously estimated.

Rehab for a river ecosystem

Rivers tamed by artificial channels, dikes, and levees to reduce flooding, often damage habitats. Researchers created IRRM to find the best way to rehabilitate river ecosystems.

Improving water quality in the Neuse Estuary

Pollutants affect water quality and growth of toxic micro-organisms. This models helps policymakers set safe levels nitrogen to ensure the survival of shellfish and fish.

Analytica climate action model: city of Santa Cruz (ACAM-SC)

The City of Santa Cruz and Lumina developed a pilot analysis process to analyzing municipality level data and greenhouse gas reduction programs.

Evaluating “Importance” to help green building design

The importance analysis features in Analytica helped designers determine where to spend their design time, leading to building designs with reduced environmental impact.

Corporate sustainable energy purchasing plans

Most large organizations try to procure electricity from renewable sources to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. See how some are weighing their options.

Some Analytica customers

Download the free edition of Analytica

The free edition of Analytica includes these key Analytica features: 

Free Analytica has no time limit. The only constraint is it won’t let you create more than 100 variables or other objects. But your model can be quite substantial since each variable can be a multidimensional array.  It also lets you explore, change inputs, and run existing models of any size (excluding features unique to the Enterprise or Optimizer editions).

Analytica runs on any Windows computer, or on a Macintosh using Parallels or VMWare.

    Analytica Cubes Pattern

    Download the free edition of Analytica

    The free edition of Analytica includes these key Analytica features: 

    Free Analytica has no time limit. The only constraint is it won’t let you create more than 100 variables or other objects. But your model can be quite substantial since each variable can be a multidimensional array.  It also lets you explore, change inputs, and run existing models of any size (excluding features unique to the Enterprise or Optimizer editions).

    Analytica runs on any Windows computer, or on a Macintosh using Parallels or VMWare.

      Analytica Cubes Pattern