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Case studies
Analytica is used for a variety of applications across many industries, in public and private sectors, universities and other research organizations. Select additional industry, methodologies or application areas relevant to your interests, to see case studies with practical examples of how Analytica is being used.
For more, click through to see a selection of published papers that highlight work that has been done with Analytica.
Assessing the Clean Air Act
How effective was the Clean Air Act at improving air quality and reducing acid rain? The NAPAP developed an integrated environmental assessment model to help answer such questions.
Do Inuit hunters threaten whale populations?
Population variance, whale fertility and mortality in the absence of hunting are considered in this Analytica model to evaluate the risk to whale populations.
Improving water quality in the Neuse Estuary
Pollutants affect water quality and growth of toxic micro-organisms. This models helps policymakers set safe levels nitrogen to ensure the survival of shellfish and fish.
Can California afford its ambitious climate policies?
The State of California uses the PATHWAYS Analytica model to show that it can reach its ambitious target of 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 at reasonable cost.
Analytica climate action model: city of Santa Cruz (ACAM-SC)
The City of Santa Cruz and Lumina developed a pilot analysis process to analyzing municipality level data and greenhouse gas reduction programs. a hub for energy numbers
An open, online platform for exploring and sharing of key data on performance and costs of energy technologies.
A campus micro-grid with CHP
Is adding more photovoltaics to UCSD’s microgrid technically feasible and cost-effective? E3 Consulting created a dispatch optimization tool to evaluate this question.
Emissions trading and the US electricity market
What is the effect of current and proposed economic and environmental regulations? The Haiku model is used by organizations in the electric power market to forecast these effects.