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Case studies

Analytica is used for a variety of applications across many industries, in public and private sectors, universities and other research organizations. Select additional industry, methodologies or application areas relevant to your interests, to see case studies with practical examples of how Analytica is being used.
For more, click through to see a selection of published papers that highlight work that has been done with Analytica.

Tucson electric power

Navigant Consulting created RE-Sim™, an Analytica model, to help TEP plan how to add generating capacity from renewable sources.


Optimizing pricing for natural gas distribution

BG Group developed an Analytica model to optimize pricing for natural gas. Leading gas distributors in Brazil and India are now using the tool.


Bechtel SAIC and the Yucca mountain project

Analytica was selected to evaluate life-cycle costs for the proposed radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, NV, after comparing it with 12 other software tools.


Corporate sustainable energy purchasing plans

Most large organizations try to procure electricity from renewable sources to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. See how some are weighing their options.


Savings from shifting electricity load to off-peak

This open-source Analytica tool evaluates the cost-effectiveness of load-shifting technologies, including batteries and thermal cooling.


The future of coal in South Africa

The Coal Roadmap study used Analytica to model the coal value chain under several possible future scenarios to assess the impact on the economy & environment.


Helping DOE decide which R&D projects to fund

See how the prioritization of technologies and projects are managed based on the reduction...


Helping gas utilities reduce risk with RSE

Learn about the decision-support web application named ANAGRAM.


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Case studies clients