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Bring objects to front/send to back

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Hadi Eshraghi
Posts: 6
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Joined: 4 years ago


How do I bring objects to front or send them to back programmatically?



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2 Replies
Lonnie Chrisman
Posts: 44
Joined: 14 years ago

The Front-to-back is determined by the z-order, which is stored in the NodeLocation attribute.  It is an integer, and can be positive or negative.  Nodes with larger Z-order display over nodes with lower Z-order.  When you select "Bring to Front" on the right-mouse context menu, it sets the Z-order to a number that is larger than the other z-orders on the same diagram.

Here is a UDF to do it:

Function Send_to_front(o : Object)


Local z := NodeLocation::z of Contains of isin of o;
NodeLocation::z of o := Max([10,z+1])

Function Send_to_back(o : Object)

Local z := NodeLocation::z of Contains of isin of o;
NodeLocation::z of o := Min([-10,z-1])


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Hadi Eshraghi
Joined: 4 years ago

Active Member
Posts: 6

Great, thanks!


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