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Max Henrion

Chief Executive Officer

Max is the CEO of Lumina, and the originator of Analytica, of Lumina’s flagship software. He specializes in the design of effective decision technologies, with experience as a scientist, educator, software designer, consultant, and entrepreneur. He conducts decision analysis and has led teams to build decision-support tools in a wide variety of applications including energy, environment, R&D management, healthcare, telecommunications, aerospace, security, and consumer choice.

He is an Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, where he was previously a Professor in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy. He has been a Consulting Professor at Stanford University and a member of the Science Advisory Board of the US Environmental Protection Agency.  At Ask Jeeves, he was Vice President for Decision Technology, leading a team to provide interactive consumer advice. Max has an MA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, a Master of Design from the Royal College of Art, London, and a PhD from Carnegie Mellon.

He led a decision analysis of decommissioning offshore oil platforms that won the 2015 Decision Analysis Practice Award from the Society for Decision Professionals and the Decision Analysis Society. Max received the 2018 Frank Ramsey Medal the highest award from the Decision Analysis Society.

Selected publications

Max has published four books, and over seventy peer-reviewed articles in energy and environment, risk and uncertainty, software design, and artificial intelligence, including:

  • “Energy sector portfolio analysis with uncertainty”, James Milford, Max Henrion, Chad Hunter, Emily Newes, Carolyn Hughes, Samuel Baldwin, Applied Energy, 2021.
  • “Estimation of the year-on-year volatility and the unpredictability of the United States energy system”, Evan D. Sherwin, Max Henrion, Inês M.L. Azevedo, Nature Energy, Vol 3,  April 2018, 341–346.
  • “Future Costs of Key Low-Carbon Energy Technologies: Harmonization and Aggregation of Energy Technology Expert Elicitation Data”, Erin Baker, Valentina Bosetti, Laura Diaz Anadon, Max Henrion, Lara Aleluia Reis, Energy Policy, 2016
  • “A multi-attribute decision analysis for decommissioning offshore oil and gas platforms.” Henrion, M., Bernstein, B. and Swamy, S. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 11: 594–609. doi:10.1002/ieam.1693, 2015.
  • Low-Carbon Development: Opportunities for Nigeria, Editors: Raffaello Cervigni, John Allen Rogers, and Max Henrion, No 15812 in World Bank Publications, January 2013. 186p
  • Best practice approaches for characterizing, communicating, and incorporating scientific uncertainty in Climate Decision Making, M. Granger Morgan, Hadi Dowlatabadi, Max Henrion, et al., Report by the US Climate Change Science Program, Subcommittee on Global Change Research, Washington DC, Jan 2009.
  • “Open-Source Policy Modeling”, M. Henrion,  I/S, A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, Vol 3, Issue 2, Fall 2007
  • “Assessing  Uncertainty in Physical Constants”, M. Henrion & B. Fischhoff, American Journal of Physics, 54, (9), September, 1986, pp. 791-798. Reprinted in Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, Edited by Thomas Gilovich, Dale W Griffin, Daniel Kahneman, Cambridge UP, 2006
  • Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 5,  M. Henrion & R. Shachter (eds.),  Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Volume 10,  Elsevier, North Holland: Amsterdam, 1990
  • “Decision Analysis and Expert Systems”, Max Henrion, Jack S. Breese, and Eric Horvitz, Artificial Intelligence Magazine, Vol 12, No 4, 1991, pp. 64-9
  • Uncertainty: A Guide to Dealing with Uncertainty in Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis, M. Granger Morgan and Max Henrion, Cambridge University Press: New York, 1990, reprinted 2004.

Max and his team of world-class consultants are available to help with your next advanced modeling project. Reach out to [email protected] to schedule a free initial consultation.

Download the free edition of Analytica

The free version of Analytica lets you create and edit models with up to 101 variables, which is pretty substantial since each variable can be a multidimensional array. It also lets you run larger modes in ‘browse mode.’ Learn more about the free edition.

While Analytica doesn’t run on macOS, it does work with Parallels or VMWare through Windows.

    Analytica Cubes Pattern

    Download the free edition of Analytica

    The free version of Analytica lets you create and edit models with up to 101 variables, which is pretty substantial since each variable can be a multidimensional array. It also lets you run larger modes in ‘browse mode.’ Learn more about the free edition.

    While Analytica doesn’t run on macOS, it does work with Parallels or VMWare through Windows.

      Analytica Cubes Pattern