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Energy & power
The future of the energy industry is rapidly changing with new technologies to conserve resources. More than half of recent Analytica applications analyze the feasibility, economics, and climate impacts of energy technologies, ranging from investment in solar and wind, reducing methane leaks, heat pumps and the electrification of buildings, electric vehicles, to electrofuels. See key case studies, engaging webinars, and provocative blogs on a variety of projects in these areas below, authored by Lumina consultants and other Analytica users.
Lumina’s consulting team has deep expertise in energy efficiency, renewables, energy use in transportation, and decarbonization planning. They stand ready to build custom decision-support applications to meet your needs — or to train and support you in building your own tools.
US gas leaks much larger than previously estimated
A new Stanford-led study on natural gas leak rates from oil and gas activity across a large fraction of the US are about 3x more than previous government estimates. The…
Heat pumps & hybrid systems in cold climates
Does your heat pump bill savings estimate account for rate structures?
Most online calculators that estimate utility bill impacts of heat pumps are highly misleading because they ignore time-of-use and tiered electric and gas rates. Accurate calculations must consider when heat…