Training course

Learn the world’s most powerful decision software
Learn best practices for modeling and how to apply Analytica to complex scenarios. We designed these online training courses to help you maximize your experience with Analytica. Spend 4 half-days in this enhanced learning experience that includes course notes, example models and tutorial files.
Join one of our open trainings, or reserve a private training for your organization.
About the training course
Focus on how to create and use decision models to provide sound results and real insights for more effective decision making in your organization.
This training is ideal if you have some experience in building models, say with Excel or Analytica, and want to expand your skills. It combines high-level training on key concepts for effective model building with hands-on tutorials and exercises to unlock the power of Analytica.
Our instructors have extensive experience in developing decision-support applications using Analytica. We invite you to bring your own ideas for modeling projects to practice on real-world examples.
Want to learn even more? Additional hours can be scheduled for one-on-one coaching by signing up for our quickstart program or you can explore our consulting services.
Training topics
- Explore and navigate models: Learn how to apply, review, audit models, including viewing results as tables and graphs.
- Use influence diagrams to structure and communicate models: Identify decisions, uncertainties, and objectives.
- Understand Intelligent Arrays and array abstraction to handle multiple dimensions, operate on arrays, support parametric analysis, and link Analytica with spreadsheets.
- Create user interfaces with user inputs and outputs and frame nodes in Analytica on the desktop and Analytica Cloud Platform
- Model risk and uncertainty: Identify assumptions, sensitivity analysis, express uncertainty with probability distributions, Monte Carlo simulation, and ways to understand and communicate uncertainty.
- Model dynamic systems: Using influence diagrams for systems dynamics, the Dynamic function, and feedback loops.
- Use function libraries: review the collection of existing functions, and learn when and how to define your own functions.
- Agile development to build models rapidly to meet the needs of your clients using interactive and collaborative modeling.
- Individual tutoring on your own models
The price for the 4 half-day training is $1,600 per person.
There is a 20% discount available for 3+ participants from the same organization.