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Spreadsheet conversions
Discover why many are switching from Excel and spreadsheets to Analytica!
Analytica offers a graphical interface that facilitates clearer collaboration with variying levels of stakeholders. You can build models logically the way you in think in a fraction of the time, with less errors and more transparency than spreadsheets.
Here you can explore models and examples from Analytica clients who have made the switch. Learn how you can seamlessly transition from spreadsheets to Analytica by clicking through the links below.

Optimizing pricing for natural gas distribution
BG Group developed an Analytica model to optimize pricing for natural gas. Leading gas distributors in Brazil and India are now using the tool.
Bechtel SAIC & the Yucca mountain project
Analytica was selected to evaluate life-cycle costs for the proposed radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, after comparing it with 12 other software tools.
Corporate sustainable energy purchasing plans
Most large organizations try to procure electricity from renewable sources to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. See how some are weighing their options.
Savings from shifting electricity load to off-peak
This open-source Analytica tool evaluates the cost-effectiveness of load-shifting technologies, including batteries and thermal cooling.