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Check out our collection of videos higlighting new features, tutorials, webinars and so much more. Analytica is a visual modeling tool, so videos offer the most natural way to see what Analytica has to offer, what Analytica is capable of doing (you will be amazed), and how you can use it for your needs.

Decision making when there is little historic precedent

Learn how to make decisions and strategic plans in uncertain situations, where historical data is not available. See how to model this in Analytica with clarity and insight.

Making jet fuel from the sun & wind

Learn more on how Evan Sherwin employed an optimization-based techno-economic analysis, implemented in Analytica, to assess the prospects for large cost reductions.

How utilities are reducing risks & saving money

Learn about the Risk Spend Efficiency (RSE) framework, how California utilities have been using it, and RSE within ANAGRAM (Analytica for Natural Gas Risk Analysis and Management).

The value of knowing how little you know

Understand the Expected Value of Including Uncertainty (EVIU), compare with the Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI), and the insights it gives into a variety of problems.

Accelerating decision modeling with Analytica

Analytica helps consultants quickly build decision-support models, boosting productivity and client satisfaction, as detailed by CEO Max Henrion in this webinar.

Green accountability & incentives

Join Robert Brown's webinar as he reflects on the social and economic cost of CO2 in new capital projects using Analytica.

Heat pumps 101

Heat and cool your home while saving energy and reducing emissions by adopting heat pump technology. Learn more about this transition and heat pumps by watching this webinar.

How the heat pump calculator was built

Walk through our heat pump calculator model and what decisions were made in its creation.

Some Analytica customers

Download Free Analytica

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    The free edition of Analytica includes these key Analytica features:
    Free Analytica has no time limit. The only constraint is it won’t let you create more than 100 variables or other objects. But your model can be quite substantial since each variable can be a multidimensional array. It also lets you explore, change inputs, and run existing models of any size (excluding features unique to the Enterprise or Optimizer editions).