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Check out our collection of videos higlighting new features, tutorials, webinars and so much more. Analytica is a visual modeling tool, so videos offer the most natural way to see what Analytica has to offer, what Analytica is capable of doing (you will be amazed), and how you can use it for your needs.

Using Analytica to model farm financial risk

Analytica provides the perfect platform for Agricultural Economists to explore the tradeoff between risk and profit at the farm level.


How utilities are reducing risks & saving money

Learn about the Risk Spend Efficiency (RSE) framework, how California utilities have been using it, and RSE within ANAGRAM (Analytica for Natural Gas Risk Analysis and Management).


How the heat pump calculator was built

Walk through our heat pump calculator model and what decisions were made in its creation.


Quantifying methane emissions

Aerial surveys found that a small number of high-impact super-emitting events are responsible for most methane emissions, which were significantly higher than previously estimated.


Navigating the heat pump landscape

Fort Collins, Lumina, and Apex Analytics have created a tool to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing building electrification programs.


Crossing frontiers: the dawn of a new era in artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML) with Lonnie Chrisman

Celebrate the incredible strides made in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) while also assessing the risks, in the dawn of this new era.


Helping gas utilities reduce risk with RSE

Learn about the decision-support web application named ANAGRAM.


Building electrification: heat pump technology for California homes

Lumina set out to build a useful tool to assess the benefits of heat pumps. Learn more about heat pumps and their impact.


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