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Analytica in the cloud

Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP) lets you review, and use Analytica models online, via a web browser. Analytica modelers can deploy models instantly from desktop to the web. Here are a wide range of example models available in ACP. You will also find content pertaining to ACP including how to organize and set up your ACP user interface. We are always adding new example models when possible to ACP, similar to our open-sourced models.

Building electrification: heat pump technology

Lumina set out to build a useful tool to assess the benefits of heat pumps. Learn more about heat pumps and their impact.

How to use Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP)

How to use Analytica Cloud Platform (ACP) to its full potential with our CEO Max Henrion.

Managing a portfolio of ESG projects

Investors increasingly care about ESG criteria in combination with firms’ financial returns. Learn about Bicore's new sustainable portfolio management solution.

How the heat pump calculator was built

Walk through our heat pump calculator model and what decisions were made in its creation.

The effects of gas prices and electricity tariffs on heat pump economics

You might expect that a spike in natural gas prices from Russia’s war on Ukraine would lower carbon emissions—making electrification more economical. However, that is not the case.

Is the Fermi Paradox due to the Flaw of Averages?

Why haven't we not encounter aliens? How to resolve this paradox by treating the parameters of the Drake Equation as uncertain -- an example of Sam Savage's Flaw of Averages.

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) financial model

This Solar PV calculator captures the drivers that impact net present value and internal rate of return (IRR) for solar projects.

Using the Analytica Decision Engine (ADE) from Python

Today I interacted with an Analytica from Python, which for me was my first time doing so. To do so, I used the Analytica Decision Engine (ADE), which bundles the core Analytica...

Some Analytica customers