An Analytica model that recognizes images
I had a lot of fun building and playing with an Analytica model that analyses the pixels of an image to figure out what it is an image of. It implements the resnet18
I had a lot of fun building and playing with an Analytica model that analyses the pixels of an image to figure out what it is an image of. It implements the resnet18
Today I interacted with an Analytica from Python, which for me was my first time doing so. To do so, I used the Analytica Decision Engine (ADE), which bundles the core Analytica…
Starting with a graph that varies by Time in units of Seconds, I show how to configure the graph so you can quickly change the horizontal scale from Seconds to Hours, Days or…
In this Analytica 5 Video Short, I configure a DetermTable to use cell formatting so you can tell which data will be used by the computed result given the model’s current…
In this video, I showcase two uses for MultiChoice controls: For use in Selective Parametric Analysis, and for limited an index to a subset during your model’s calculations.
It’s tax week here in the US, and like many other people, I have less than a week to finalize my tax returns. I also have some last minute decisions. Should I, or
The federal income tax in the United States uses a series of increasing tax brackets, so that those who earn more pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.
Today I’m celebrating π day with a three part series of Analytica 5 video shorts, during which I create an interactive …