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Case studies

Analytica is used for a variety of applications across many industries, in public and private sectors, universities and other research organizations. Select additional industry, methodologies or application areas relevant to your interests, to see case studies with practical examples of how Analytica is being used.

For more, click through to see a selection of published papers that highlight work that has been done with Analytica.

Controversy to consensus: offshore oil platforms

Offshore oil in California is highly controversial. But, Lumina’s decision model on decommissioning oil platforms led to consensus for “rigs to reefs”.

Helping DOE decide which R&D projects to fund

See how the prioritization of technologies and projects are managed based on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the US.

Helping gas utilities reduce risk with RSE

Learn about the decision-support web application named ANAGRAM (Analytica for Natural Gas Risk Analysis and Management).

Building electrification: heat pump technology

Lumina set out to build a useful tool to assess the benefits of heat pumps. Learn more about heat pumps and their impact.

Could humans lose control over advanced AI?

Researchers used Analytica's influence diagrams to map out arguments and scenarios exploring risks with artificial intelligence (AI).

Managing a portfolio of ESG projects

Investors increasingly care about ESG criteria in combination with firms’ financial returns. Learn about Bicore's new sustainable portfolio management solution.

How utilities meet renewable portfolio standards

Navigant Consulting created RE-Sim™, an Analytica model, to help TEP plan how to add generating capacity from renewable sources.

Are cows worse than cars for greenhouse gas?

Turns out that methane from farm animals generates more greenhouse gas emissions than cars, trucks, trains, and planes combined.

Case studies clients

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    The free edition of Analytica includes these key Analytica features:
    Free Analytica has no time limit. The only constraint is it won’t let you create more than 100 variables or other objects. But your model can be quite substantial since each variable can be a multidimensional array. It also lets you explore, change inputs, and run existing models of any size (excluding features unique to the Enterprise or Optimizer editions).