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Open-source models

Decision models can play a crucial role in helping stakeholders figure out what they agree about and what they don’t. Open-source models are available to anyone interested in downloading, reviewing, and running with different assumptions. Because Analytica models are more transparent than traditional spreadsheets or black-box simulations, participants can more easily understand the assumptions and their implications. Dig into a few existing models, that are available to download, in the case studies below. Click here for more open-source models.

How social isolation impacts COVID-19 spread in the US: A Markov model approach

On Monday of this week, the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team released an influential report that forecasts how social isolation measures for mitigation and suppression...


Estimating US Deaths from COVID-19 Coronavirus in 2020

In this posting, I am taking on the morbid challenge of forecasting how many people in the US will die from the COVID-19 coronavirus in the year 2020.


Using Python to parse a Shapefile

A shapefile (*.shp) is a binary file format used by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I used an existing Python library (Fiona) to read and parse a shape file, and then...


What’s the best retirement account type for me? 401(k), IRA, Roth, other?

It’s tax week here in the US, and like many other people, I have less than a week to finalize my tax returns. I also have some last minute decisions. Should I, or my wife, ...


How to simplify the IRS tax tables

The federal income tax in the United States uses a series of increasing tax brackets, so that those who earn more pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes.


Impact of Trump’s proposed steel & aluminum tariffs on US trade deficit

This week, President Trump proposed new import tariffs on steel and aluminum. It seems as if the projected net impacts of these tariffs on the total US trade deficit and US economy ...


Using computed cell formatting to create a color map

In this post, I’m going to highlight some new cell formatting options. This is a new feature I’ve had fun experimenting with, and I look forward to seeing how our user community...


Cost effectiveness of installing rooftop solar panels

If you are new to modeling, it can be very helpful to watch someone build a model from start to finish. I created a model to decide whether it would be cost-effective to instal...


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Open-source models clients